Friday, August 12, 2016

Hey everyone!
We got some pretty big news!
We will be moving to a new space in September! We will give out more details later, but we need help to build up the space which will include a shipping container. We will have workdays during the next weeks as follow on Sundays from 2pm to 6pm:

- Level ground for container
- Excavate and level workshop and entry area for decomposed granite/pavers
- Trash and debris cleanup
- Make posts for shade structure with concrete and tires.
- Finish assembly of shade sail structures
- Lay pavers or decomposed granite in workshop area surrounding container
- Dig post holes for back storage area gate and fence, place posts in footings.
- Build back storage area fence and gate
- Wrap up any other unfinished work
If you would like to support your local bike kitchen and come to help us on one of these Sundays, please email us at for more details!

Thanks for your support.

!Hola tod@s!
!Tenemos noticias!
Nos vamos a mudar a un nuevo espacio en septiembre! Les vamos a dar mas noticias pronto, pero mientras, necesitamos ayuda para preparar el espacio. Vamos a tener dias de trabajo los domingos de 2pm hasta 6pm del 21 de agosto hasta el 11 de septiembre.
Si nos quieren apoyar, por faz manden un correo a

Gracias por su apoyo!

1 comment:

  1. the planned construction of this bridge by Bush's company took advantage of the fact that the Railway Suspension Bridge was at that time - in 1867 - enjoying a monopoly as the only physical crossing across the lower Niagara River; so this new bridge fence
